How to Let Go?
I recall hearing, “Let go and let God!” as a solution to any obstacle or problem I was facing. My internal response contributed to my...
God, What's Next?
Have you ever felt like a season of your life was coming to an end and you were curious about what was next? What about wanting to know...
It's Time for a Tune Up!
Over the past few months, I was mentally drained and simply going through the motions of life. In previous blog posts, I mentioned the...
God, Get Me in the Groove!
Have you ever wanted something that you could not have, yet you rarely wanted it when it was readily accessible? It is ironic how we have...
How to Find Strength During the Struggle?
After writing my last blog post, "How to Get in the Reach of Vision?", I was on a mission to do just that. I was being obedient and doing...
How to Get In the Reach of Vision?
I remember reading the story of Moses and how God gave him the responsibility of leading the Israelites into the Promise Land. In order...
What Track Are You On?
I remember watching the documentary, Becoming by Michelle Obama on Netflix when COVID-19 originally locked us into our homes. She said...
Are You Listening?
I remember asking God to speak to me and reveal my purpose. I wanted to know who I was and who I was destined to be. I wanted to be...